Monday, August 07, 2006

One one positive player left

Here's the latest:

FirstName: LastName: Points
Jonny Morris -28
Mike Ekers -17
George Aslett -17
Andy Cotgreave -14
Neal Graneau -11
Steve Pearce -9
Bud Tilton -2
Pete C 3

What can we see from this?
From the bottom, Pete's the only still in positive scores. C'mon Pete, less swearing, more accuracy!

Bud's finally penetrated the zero. (that sounds rude, and I'm sure I could come up with something facetious to add to it)

In the middle, not a lot to say.

But, near the top, George has taken equal second, and with no Mike around, George is sure to move into a solid second place.

And Jonny, well, another couple of great rounds see him flying ahead.

As for me, well, I feel like I am in a slump. I can't putt for toffee. Someone needs to tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Updated files available above...

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