Thursday, August 03, 2006

While Andy was away...

Andy was away yesterday. While he wallowed on a train and in a faceless corporate hotel in Leeds, golf carried in little old Oxford.

I only have results from Jonny and George to add to the league, but here's the current standings (if you haven't played ten rounds yet, you're not in the list):

FirstName: LastName: Points Num rounds Avge HH Avrge HH Best SP Avrge SP Best
Jonny Morris -25 20 38.90 38.27 34.00 39.67 37.00
Mike Ekers -17 34 39.91 39.22 35.00 40.69 38.00
George Aslett -14 21 40.71 39.80 38.00 41.55 38.00
Andy Cotgreave -13 28 41.43 40.79 36.00 42.07 38.00
Neal Graneau -11 18 43.28 42.90 40.00 43.75 40.00
Steve Pearce -9 19 45.00 43.80 38.00 46.33 42.00
Bud Tilton 2 14 39.14 38.14 35.00 40.14 38.00
Pete C 3 16 48.56 48.78 43.00 48.29 45.00

I'm still working out the best way to get the data online. I've now got a nice access database that makes it easy to add scores and check stats. That's available on the link above. But I realise that sucks if you don't have Access.

I have also added a snapshot Excel file to download.

The aim is to have something that is easy for me to maintain and upload and easy for you to download. A fully sorted web application would be nice, but my skills don't stretch to that...

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